The largest Casino operator in Western Canada was finding it difficult to manage disposal costs at each of their locations. The maintenance department of each casino was responsible for waste management making it very difficult to have a cohesive program company wide. Waste Collective Canada was engaged to reduce waste disposal costs, implement a complete recycling program, comply with municipal regulations, and completely develop and implement a sustainable waste and recycling program at their newly built Casino in the interior of BC.
Waste Collective Canada’s Solution
- Waste Collective Canada performed an initial waste diagnostic at 6 BC and 1 Alberta locations.
- A market analysis was performed to understand local market conditions, municipal bylaws to ensure complete compliance with disposal regulations and available services provided by various vendors.
- A complete single stream recycling program was implemented at all locations, providing a simplified program resulting in maximum diversion and complete buy in by the janitorial and casino staff.
- Renegotiation of all service agreements utilizing Waste Collective Canada’s leveraged buying power and the removal of all Fuel and Environmental fees, Recycling levies, Commodity rate adjustments and other questionable charges.
- Full implementation of an organics program at all Metro Vancouver locations– engagement with all departments, restaurants and stakeholders.
- Cost analysis performed to determine if the use of compaction equipment would benefit the operations team and bottom line disposal costs.
- Sourcing of services, service agreement negotiation and program implementation at the new facility in BC Interior.
Waste Collective Results
- 40% reduction in waste disposal costs company wide.
- Complete diversion program implemented company wide at no additional cost to the client.
- 100% compliant with municipal bylaws.
- Compaction equipment installation at busiest casino resulted in decreased disposal costs and improved the overall cleanliness of the area.
- New monthly rates with no hidden costs or questionable fees – allowing the client to comfortably budget years in advance for waste disposal services.
- One contact, one call for all services.